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We are a coalition of international, regional and Nicaraguan human rights organizations that monitor the implementation of the 14 recommendations addressed to the Nicaraguan government in resolution 46/2 of the United Nations Human Rights Council.
our work
We document and inform the international community about the actions and lack of actions of the Government of Nicaragua to meet its international obligations in the field of human rights and the concerns of the international community in this area.
what do
we want
Our vision is to help the Nicaraguan government respect the human rights of ALL Nicaraguan people, and be accountable for the human rights violations committed since April 2018, ensuring:
Justice, truth and non-repetition for victims of abuse.
Participatory democracy, the restoration of the rule of law and the recognition of the ancestral territories of indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants so that all of us can live in peace, freedom, security and dignity.
Objective of campaign:

That by March 2022, the United Nations Human Rights Council creates an international mechanism made up of one or more independent expert person (s) designated in consultation with Nicaraguan civil society.
This mechanism will have the mandate to:
Monitor the implementation of the recommendations of resolution 46/2 by the Government of Nicaragua
Give additional recommendations to state and non-state actors (such as international cooperation and regional / international banks) to ensure respect for human rights and ensure accountability.
Investigate with an intersectional approach, taking into account the particularities of the most vulnerable groups, and in dialogue with all sectors of Nicaraguan society, the violations of international human rights law perpetrated since April 2018, as well as the antecedents and causes that have allowed those violations.
Preserve potential evidence of human rights violations in order to hold perpetrators of abuses accountable in the near future; among others.
How do we achieve it?
We carried out investigations and demonstrated that Resolution 46/2 has not been implemented and that the UN must intensify its response accordingly
We convince the countries present at the UN Human Rights Council that an international accountability mechanism is necessary
We make sure our
voice is heard
Since the resolution's adoption, we have tried to objectively track the action - and inaction - of governments to implement the resolution's 14 recommendations. In August and November 2021, we published our first and second Evaluation Benchmarks of the implementation of resolution 46/2 by Nicaragua. These evaluations are based on publicly available information from the UN and Inter-American systems, as well as from civil society and independent journalism. Based on these evaluations, we conclude that:
The Nicaraguan government has not taken substantial nor initial steps to implement any of the recommendations in resolution 46/2;
The government has taken a significant number of actions contrary to the recommendations, resulting in a closed space for civil society and an increase in attacks on human rights defenders, journalists, presidential candidates and dissenters, in recent months.
We advocate, meet and write to the members of the Human Rights Council and ask them to support our appeal.
We speak to the media and make sure they reproduce our appeals and key messages. We also broadcast them on social media and with a broader group of civil society allies.

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